The Federation of American Scientists is a nonprofit policy research and advocacy organization founded in 1945 to address national security concerns through evidence-based, scientifically sound and unbiased policy, analysis and research.

After the devastating bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a group of atomic scientists deeply concerned about the use of science for malicious purposes formed an organization committed to using science and technology for the benefit of humanity. The group they formed, the Federation of Atomic Scientists, soon became the Federation of American Scientists in recognition of the hundreds of scientists from various disciplines who came together to advance science policy and counter scientific misinformation.

More than 75 years later, the Federation of American Scientists is still working to minimize the risks of serious global threats posed by nuclear weapons, biological and chemical agents, and climate change. The organization also works to advance a wide range of contemporary issues where science, technology, and innovative policy can make significant progress, and seeks to ensure that scientific and technological expertise has a place at the policy-making table.

Challenges the organization addresses
The founders realized that data-driven policy and security go hand in hand. The diverse work at FAS offers evidence-based analysis and solutions to today’s most pressing policy and security challenges.

The Nuclear Information Project tracks global nuclear arsenals and nuclear arms control treaties to reduce the existential threat of nuclear war.
The Defense Posture Project tracks rapid advances in military technology that challenge existing concepts of deterrence.

The Congressional Science Policy Initiative provides members of Congress with evidence-based analysis of science and technology issues, mobilizing experts and connecting them directly with policymakers.
The Bodies Initiative uses data science to accelerate improvements in patient outcomes.
The First Day Project seeks to develop and implement innovative and actionable science and technology ideas .

The State Secrets Project aims to shed light on state secrecy practices and promote transparency.

The Technology and Innovation Initiative analyzes immigration policies and new technologies for national security and economic growth.
The First Day Project seeks to develop and implement innovative and impactful ideas in science and technology.